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Gửi lúc 21:54' 12/01/2016
Danh mục tài liệu
1 Molecular, clinical and environmental toxicology
2 Agriculture and the nitrogen cycle
3 Applications of toxicogenomic technologies to predictive toxicology and risk assessment
4 Scientific frontiers in developmental toxicology and risk assessment
5 Environmental epidemiology
6 Environmental cleanup at navy facilities
7 Grand challenges in environmental sciences
8 Toxicity testing for assessment of environmental agents
9 Mixture toxicity
10 Conservation agriculture
11 Environmental toxicology and risk assessment - biomarkers and risk assessment (fifth volume)
12 Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology (Volume 179)
13 Biodiversity in agricultural production systems
14 handbook of environment health (Fourth edition) Volume 1
15 Environmental toxicology current developments
16 Principles of biochemical toxicology
17 Fluid waste disposal
18 Derivation and use of environmental quality and human health standards for chemical substances in water and soil
19 Rural politics Policies for agriculture, forestry and the environment
20 Methods in agricultural chemical analysis
21 PAHs: an ecotoxicological perspective
22 Agricultural policy and the environment
23 toxicologic assessment of Jet-Propulsion Fuel 8
24 Nitrate, agriculture and the environment
25 Environmental toxicology (volume 6)
26 Ecotoxicology of Atifouling biocides
27 Pesticide mixes
28 Biodegradation of pesticide: bromuconazol by microbial consortium in biphasic system
29 Standard test methods for instrumental determination of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen in Petroleum products and lubricants
30 Biodegradation of crude oil by individual bacterial strains and a mixed bacterial consortium isolated from hydrocarbon contaminated areas
31 Bacterial biodegradation of aldicarb and determination of bacterium which has the most biodegradative effect
32 Pesticide resistance
33 biodegradation and ecotoxicity testing of solvent systems
34 Complete degradation of anthracene by manganese peroxidase in organic solvent mixtures
35 The impact of chlorinated solvent co-contaminants on the biodegradation kinetics of 1,4-dioxane
36 In situ accelerated anaerobic biodegradation of a chlorinated source area
37 Abiotic and biotic pathways in chlorinated solvent natural attenuation
38 Degradation of transformer Oil (PCB Compounds) by microwave radiation, ethanol solvent, hydrogen peroxide and dioxide titanium for reducing environmental hazards
39 Biodegradation of chlorinated solvents
40 Technical protocol for evaluating natural attenuation of chlorinated solvents in ground water
41 Effect of chloroform on aerobic biodegradation of organic solvents in pharmaceutical wastewater
42 Agriculture, Hydrology and Water Quality
44 Biological indicator for soil helth
45 Crop-Soil Simulation Models
46 Distribution coefficient of heavy metals
47 Ecological Impact Assessment
48 Ecological modeling in risk assessment-Chemical effects on populations-ecosystems and landscapes
49 Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
50 Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment vol. 1 - 4
51 Encyclopedia of Water Science
52 Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry (Manahan)
53 McGraw-Hill e-book (Text pdf) - Organic Chemistry
54 (Ebook) Secrets To Creating Chemistry (Nlp, Relationship)
55 Adhesion Science and Engineering Volume 2, The Mechanics of Adhesion Surfaces, Chemistry Applicat
56 CRC Press - Handbook Of Chemistry And Physics
57 Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry(3076s)
58 Environmental Quality - Validation of Analytical Chemistry Laboratories
59 Fundamentals Handbook - Chemistry
60 Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry
61 Fundamentals Of Polymer Chemistry
62 Fundamentals.of.Environmental.Chemistry
63 Environmental and Quality Systems Integration
64 Environmental Engineering Processes Laboratory manual
65 Environmental Fluid Mechanics
66 Environmental Values
67 EPA Methods
68 Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 4th Edition
69 Handbook of Corrosion Engineering
70 Handbook of Environmental Economics 1-3
71 Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations, Second Edition
72 Handbook on the Biology of Bacteria (7 Volume Set)
73 Handbook_of_Elemental_Speciation
74 Handbook_of_Physical-Chemical_Properties_vol3
75 Handbook_of_Physical-Chemical_Properties_vol4
76 Handbook for critical cleaning
77 Handbook for Estimating Physicochemical Properties of Organic Compounds
78 Handbook of Analytical Separations - Volume 3 Environmental Analysis
79 Handbook of Basic Tables for Chemical Analysis, Second Edition
80 Handbook of Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents
81 Handbook of Chemical and Environmental Engineering Calculations
82 Handbook of Chemical Technology and Pollution Control- 2006, Elsevier, 0120887967
83 Handbook of Coal Analysis
85 Handbook of corrosion
86 Handbook of detergents - PartB Environmental Impact
87 Handbook of Ecotoxicology 2nd ed
88 Handbook of Environmental Degradation Materials
89 Handbook of Photosythesis
90 Handbook of Plant Nutrition
91 Handbook of Pollution Prevention Practices
92 Handbook of Research Methodologies
93 Handbook of Soil Analysis
94 Handbook of surface and interface analysis
95 Handbook of Water and Wastewater Microbiology
96 Handbook of water and wastewater treatment plant
97 Handbook Of Water And Wastewater Treatment Technologies
98 Handbook of water and wastewater treatment technologies_BH 2002
99 Handbook on the Toxicology of Metals
100 Handbook_of_Hazardous_Chemical_Properties
101 Handbook_Of_Nanotechnology
102 Handbooks in economics - Volume1
103 Handbooks of economic - Volume1
104 Decision Support Systems for Risk-Based Mamagement of Contaminated Sites
105 Effects of persistent and bioactive organic pollutants on human health
106 Dealing with Contaminated Sites 
107 Persistent organic pollutants Environmental Behaviour and Pathways of Human Exposure 
108 Persistent organic pollutants
109 Introduction to Phytoremediation of Contaminated Groundwater
110 Persistent Organic Pollutants in Asia: Sources, Distributions, Transport and Fate
111 Standard Operating Procedures for Building capacity to eliminate POP Pesticides in Viet Nam
112 Persistent Organic Pollutants
113 Long-term management of contaminated sites
114 acceptable daily intakes for agricultural and veterinary chemicals
115 Toxicological profile for aldrin/dieldrin
116 Toxicological profile for DDT, DDE and DDD
117 Toxicological profile for Endosulfan
118 Toxicological profile for alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-hexachlorocyclohexane
119 Toxicological profile for hecachlorobenzene
120 Toxicological profile for Mirex and Chlordecone
121 Destruction and Decontamination Technologies for PCBs and other POPs Wastes
122 Model Toxics Control Act Statute and Regulation
123 Transport of Dangerous goods
124 Environmental Management Tool Kit for Obsolete Pesticides

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